Guardian Council signs Raisi credentials

TEHRAN — The Guardian Council, which oversees elections, delivered credentials of President-elect Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi to the Office of the Leader.
The Guardian Council signed the presidential certificate and sent it to Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution.
Article 2 of the presidential election law stipulates that the president's credentials be signed by the Guardian Council and sent to the Leader.
In addition, clause 83 of the same law requires that a copy of the certificate be delivered to the Ministry of the Interior.
Raisi, the former chief justice who won the June 18 presidential election, will be authorized by the Leader on Tuesday.
Also on Thursday, Raisi will be sworn in as president in Majlis (Parliament). Officials from 73 countries will take part in the inauguration ceremony.
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