Government confirms sabotage act at Karaj

July 6, 2021 - 22:24

TEHRAN — At his weekly press briefing on Tuesday, government spokesman Ali Rabiei confirmed that there was an act of sabotage at one of the building owned by the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) in Karaj, however he refuted claims of significant equipment and human damage.

"Slight damage to the roof of one of the sheds, which is being repaired and replaced,” Rabiei stated. 

He added the aerial photo published by some media outlets of the damage to the site is in fact an image that is being taken after the roof was removed for repair, and “the interpretations made in the media are not accurate.”

The spokesman went on to say that Iran has proven that after each sabotage act, its capabilities have been increasing. 

Officials stated on June 23 that due to precautions, the parcel bomb was intercepted before it caused any damage to the building. 

In April 2021, a sabotage attack took place in part of the power grid of the Ahmadi Roshan nuclear enrichment facility in Natanz. Israel was blamed as the chief culprit for the act.

It was after this sabotage act that Iran decided to increase the level of its nuclear enrichment to more than 60 percent. 

“No offer of serving in coming administration been submitted to ministers”

Also in response to the question whether a proposal has been received from the current cabinet members to hold a post in the future government of Ebrahim Raisi, the spokesman stated, "So far, no proposal has been received or been handed from the official channels of the government, and if there are any such proposals, they have been presented personally to the ministers and maybe some managers, of which I am unaware."

He added that if the president-elect consults with the government as a legal entity, the government is obliged to present its views in a fraternal and compassionate manner, “but so far the government has not entered the process and does not intend to.”


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