Government calls for high voter turnout in Friday polls

TEHRAN – Government spokesman Ali Rabiei on Tuesday called on people to participate massively in the Friday presidential elections.
He said now the electorate have a relatively better understanding of the “respected candidates’ positions and their approach toward different issues” by seeing the final televised debates.
Though there is still some dissatisfaction among some number of people and political currents about the rejection of certain candidates by the Guardian Council, the enthusiasm for participation in the election is on the rise among the people and all political currents and groups, Rabiei explained.
He said, “There are many reasons to invite people to attend the polling stations.”
Rabiei said those who are discouraging people not to vote are those who defended Trump’s “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran and provoked war against Iran.
High voter turnout can make all those ill-wishers to “give in to the indefatigable determination of people,” the government spokesman pointed out.
He added the Iranian people are facing great economic problems resulting from sanctions and therefore they have legitimate rights that needs to be addressed seriously. However, Rabiei said, a government is able to counter sanctions and the resultant inflation and the cruel international bans on the country that can win the presidency through massive participation of people in the elections.
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