Israel shares many of characteristics of European white settler colonies: rights activist

TEHRAN - An American human rights activist says that Israel is a regime that has inherited many traits of past and present European white settler colonies.
"Israel shares many of the characteristics of past and present European white settler colonies established since the 1500s," Randy Short tells the Tehran Times.
He adds, "Israel is the latest European creation of a ‘Herrenvolk society’ that enshrines a bifurcated society that makes laws and policies that use caste and biological racialism to establish a hierarchical society that divides people into those who are full citizens and others who are hated and oppressed pariah outcast inferior beings."
In its most comprehensive report to date on Israel's treatment of Palestinians, Human Rights Watch (HRW), on April 27, accused Israel of committing "crimes against humanity" and said the U.S. and the international community have "turned a blind eye."
The group's 213-page report, titled "A Threshold Crossed," accuses Israel f of "apartheid and persecution," as defined by international conventions and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. It emphasizes that the Israeli regime perpetuates structural oppression to "maintain the domination of Jewish Israelis over Palestinians" in both Israel and the Palestinian territories, where today both groups of people are about equal in size.
Linking Israeli discrimination against Palestinians to white racism and supremacist approach in the U.S. and Europe, Shorts argues that "all of the worst characteristics of white settler colonies—inclusive of theological doctrine justifying the conquest, exploitation, marginalization, and slow elimination and or population reduction of the indigenous population—can be found in Israel, and this oppression is inclusive of Palestinians, Druze, Bedouin, Falasha, and Mizrahi."
However, American media tries not to echo what is going on in Palestine in an effort to keep the public unaware of Israeli crimes.
"The American media is wholly biased against the Palestinians, and it is against all oppressed people—inclusive of the Black American people the world's largest ethnic nationality group without genuine political representation,' the American human rights activist notes.
Following is the text of the interview:
Q: How can the behavior of the Israeli regime be described as it exercises discrimination and genocide against Arabs and Muslims?
A: Israel shares many of the characteristics of past and present European white settler colonies established since the 1500s. In all cases, wherein white (European) settlers seize and occupy lands of Black or Brown people, the process by which the indigenous population is subjugated, forcibly assimilated or significantly reduced in population, and dispossessed of their lands therein the conquered people are entrapped in an Apartheid-feudal matrix of discrimination and injustice.
“Money, not principles or values, dominates the American political system.”Israel is the latest European creation of a "Herrenvolk society" that enshrines a bifurcated society that makes laws and policies that use caste and biological racialism to establish a hierarchical society that divides people into those who are full citizens and others who are hated and oppressed pariah outcast inferior beings. All white settler colonies are highly militarized, stratified, racist, and possess a psychopathic and moral-ethical depleted malignant narcissism that these societies use to justify their human rights crimes against oppressed populations and, at the same time, profess to be free and fair with justice for all.
In light of this well-documented 500-year unfolding of the historic phenomena of white settler societies in Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Algeria, Kenya, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Canada, Brazil, America, Hawaii, Angola, Mozambique, and West Papua, it is both correct and fair to include the Zionist regime of Israel as a white settler colony. All of the worst characteristics of white settler colonies—inclusive of theological doctrine justifying the conquest, exploitation, marginalization, and slow elimination and or population reduction of the indigenous population—can be found in Israel, and this oppression is inclusive of Palestinians, Druze, Bedouin, Falasha, and Mizrahi.
Q: How do American media cover Palestine developments?
The American media is wholly biased against the Palestinians and it is against all oppressed people—inclusive of the Black American people, the world's largest ethnic nationality group without genuine political representation. While America is represented as a land of gross hedonism, materialism, and immoral excesses, the projected image is false. America is a highly conservative society. Israel is largely viewed as a stable and well-organized nation with institutions and values similar to that of most Americans.
On the other hand, the Arab-Muslim world is seen as an exotic, violent, and Oriental hash of people, races, and anti-Western ideas that wish to destroy the Judeo-Christian societies of America and Europe. Much of the stereotypes and misconceptions about the Middle East (West Asia) and Muslim world are the result of Anglo-American Jewry, which has significant social, cultural, and economic influence in society in general and the mainstream media and government in particular.
“The term anti-Semitism is protean and can be whatever Zionists or Jews wish it to be.”Therefore, the Palestinians are represented as dangerous, innately anti-Semitic, violent, evil, and untrustworthy terrorists who are determined to destroy Israel, which Jews had transformed from a deserted desert into a democratic paradise wherein, once, landless hated people could live in peace. The U.S. media has transformed the Palestinians into a kind of "Black-like" people who are deserving of collective hatred for not being white, and this "tar-brushing" of undesirable enemies has been done to the Japanese, Iranians, Iraqis, and Filipinos in American history. In a nutshell, the many atrocities and abuses suffered by the Palestinians and Israeli-Arabs are ignored, downplayed, or not reported. If an atrocity cannot be hidden, the American news justifies it wrong done—just as it does with Blacks murdered by police.
In America, the white is always right, and Palestinians are not seen as white, whereas Jews are. The Israeli Defense Force has fiat overall news presented to the American public via the mainstream media. The Israeli superiority in weaponry and the abuses over the 54 years of occupation is not given much attention. At present, the Palestinian Al Qassam Brigades' rockets fired from the Gaza Strip into Israel are represented as more dangerous than the racist Zionist Settler mobs attacking non-combatants Arabs or the Israeli Defense Forces bombing, shooting, and shelling civilian Palestinians and Israeli-Arabs. In a nutshell, Palestinian Lives, Iraqi Lives, Afghani Lives, Yemeni Lives, Libyan Lives, and Black Lives don't matter to the biased-racist-conglomerated-American mainstream media. Sadly, the racist lies and propaganda of the ungodly Fake News Media brainwashes the minds and manipulates the souls of scores of millions of Americans who would care about their fellow human beings if they only knew the truth. I am partially Jewish and Semitic African in origin and I think Jewish Lives and Palestinian lives matter, but I don't put my faith in the American media.
Q: Do you think the public opinion in America is going to be unified against any form of discrimination, whether against racial or religious minorities inside and outside of the country?
Frankly, the United States is the world's 3rd largest nation with the 3rd largest population and is the most ethnically diverse nation in the world. It is impossible to estimate what the American public will do as a whole regarding racism and injustice domestically or internationally—especially given the vise-like stranglehold that the racist biased media has over a crassly superficial, mediocre, hedonistic, selfish, egocentric, and escapist society.
Most Americans are in denial about racism, injustice, and militaristic imperialism, which is evidenced by the massive amount of illegal narcotics, marijuana, psychotropic drugs, tobacco, over-the-counter drugs, and prescription opioids consumed and washed down by rivers of beer, wine, and liquor. If Americans cannot flee reality with drugs and alcohol, they wallow in pornography, deviant sex, or diabetes-inducing and life-shortening junk food and soda. The Anglo-American elite's hegemony is dependent on a divide and rule strategy wherein they blatantly promote class and color friction, racial stereotype, gender conflict, and identity politics struggles. Furthermore, most American people do not read and are overworked or are consumed with basic survival.
“The American media is wholly biased against the Palestinians and it is against all oppressed people—inclusive of the Black American people, the world's largest ethnic nationality group without genuine political representation.”In fact, the Black, White Ethnics, Latino, African, Caribbean, Muslim, Asian-Pacific, and newly naturalized Americans are notoriously conservative, and many fear being perceived as radical, leftist, anti-white, or anti-Jewish. The American public, as a rule, is conservative and reactive to any efforts to promote rapid change.
In addition, America is a very competitive and divided society wherein the values of cooperation and collective concern for the commonwealth is underdeveloped ethos, and the Mythos of Horatio Alger and the American Dream have a cultic hold over millions. The aforementioned causes limit the scope of how many Americans feel about human rights in America and beyond. Millions of people immigrate to America to forget about the rest of the world, and it's troubles. We are a navel-gazing nation consumed with pleasure, escapism, or survival.
Q: Why do the U.S. administrations persist in supporting Israel and turning a blind eye to its crimes? Is there any strong voice inside the U.S. to support Palestinian lives and rights?
A: Money, not principles or values, dominates the American political system, and it is psychiatrically intriguing that well-educated Muslims do not comprehend this. Frankly, rich Arabs and Muslims are cowardly and niggardly Quislings when it comes to using their wealth and power to challenge the present foreign policy of the United States in Palestine. Further, there is a powerful Stockholm syndrome roiling the minds of wealthy Arabs and Muslims wherein their raison d'etre is not to worship Allah but to be accepted and embraced as honorary white Europeans. Jewish supporters of Israel and non-Jewish Zionists don't have to try to be honorary white; this allows them to use their money and influence to slowly genocide the Palestinians via the contribution envelop and the ballot box.
The plight of the Palestinians is wholly the fault of the Muslim and Arab world being more interested in betraying the indigenous people in the Holy Land for a mess of honorary white pottage than standing up for justice. On the other hand, the masses of Americans are increasingly tired of wars without end, and there is anger and frustration that the military-industrial complex enjoys all the wealth and resources in the coffers of the state.
In addition to public malaise about excessive militarism, the successful efforts of activists and alternative media to raise awareness around the plight of the Palestinians and the growth of the Muslim population in the USA has altered the mindset of millions of Americans. Therefore, a fledgling movement in favor of the long-oppressed Palestinian people has begun to emerge—especially among the younger generations less swayed by Zionist Evangelicals and Jewish Holocaust barkers. Today, Palestinian people have support in many sectors of American life. Some of the largest groups are the Boycott Disinvestment and Sanctions Movement (BDSM), Jewish Voices for Peace, U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, Black Lives Matter, the Movement for Black Lives, American Muslims for Palestine, the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services, Palestinian Children Relief Fund, Pastors for Peace, United Palestinian Appeal, Palestine Legal, Palestine Advocacy Project, and many other organizations that do not approve of Zionism.
Q: How do Zionist lobbies try to link any opposition to the Israeli occupation to anti-Semitism? How do they exploit this label?
A: The greatest weapon of the Jabotinsky-style Zionist is the voodoo-like talisman called Anti-Semitism. Given the significant social, cultural, and economic power and influence wielded by the Jewish community--which is allied to the Anglo-American elites, anyone that is smeared with the label of being an anti-Semite is likely to be ruined or at least harmed. Only very powerful Anglo-Americans like the Bush family can be associated with the Third Reich of Germany and institutions and businesses that historically discriminated against Jews and have no reason to fear. The term anti-Semitism is protean and can be whatever Zionists or Jews wish it to be.
This power to define and slander is exponentially increased by the formidable power and influence of Jewish Americans in the realm of mass communications. American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Anti-Defamation League, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Center for American Progress, People for the American Way, B'nai B'rith, American Jewish Congress, Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, and many other powerful Christian and Jewish organizations have a powerful grip on American political and social life. Criticizing Israel in any way—regardless of if the same things are written in the Israeli press—can destroy a career, a business, and ruin the life of even that of a sincere humanitarian. In a sense, the real religion of most Americans is not Christianity but Holocaustianity. Until such a time come where the American society, as a whole, is not compelled to pay perpetual indemnities to Jewish Americans for the crimes of Hitler and Nazis of last century, the United States and its people will be incapable of being honest brokers for peace able to end the suffering of Palestinians.
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