Ghalibaf: Iran is not waiting for enemies

May 9, 2021 - 18:46

TEHRAN — Speaking at a parliament session on Sunday, Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf said that Iran, despite trying to lift sanctions, will not wait for the enemies.

“Iran has the upper hand, so we urge them not to delay further lifting the sanctions once they have fully fulfilled their obligations, because over time, the cost of returning to the sanctions will be heavier,” he said.

The parliamentarian stressed that the Islamic Republic is seeking to remove all sanctions verifiably, and at once. 

“The united voice of the officials of the Islamic Republic, created under the intelligent management of the Leader, has played an important role in preventing the enemy's ambitions. It is necessary to maintain this alliance until the final result is reached.”

Ghalibaf highlighted that if all sanctions are lifted and its economic effects are verified in practice, there should be no delay in agreeing to Iran's commitments to the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231 confirming the 2015 nuclear deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

On the Vienna negotiations, the speaker said, “These days, negotiations between Iran and the P4+1 are ongoing with many ups and downs. One day the news of the progress of the negotiations and the next day the news of the disputes are published. All this shows the seriousness of the negotiations.”

Referring to the approval of the parliamentary law on Strategic Action for Lifting Sanctions, the senior MP said the law has “opened the locks of the nuclear industry” and provided the necessary capacity for talks for the negotiating team. 

He noted that the same capacities have been the focus of trade-offs in the current negotiations in order to secure the interests of the people.


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