2800 historical documents restored in National Library of Iran

TEHRAN – A total of 2800 folios of manuscripts and historical documents were restored by panels of experts at the National Library of and Archives Iran throughout the past Iranian calendar year ended on March 20.
The restored documents include 110 endowment letters, 41 handwritten books, important letters related to the Qajar-era (1789–1925), and photographs of European queens and princes from the 1880s, Mehr quoted a senior official with the national library as saying on Sunday.
The National Library of and Archives Iran (NLAI) is located in Tehran, Iran, with several branches scattered throughout the city.
The national library incorporates many different collections from older libraries, including many rare and valuable manuscripts. The central main branch is located in north-central Tehran. The library by itself is over 90,000 square meters, the largest library campus in West Asia. It encompasses five separate halls, each hall dedicated to a different faculty, including Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Science and Science Education, and Health Studies.
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