Iran capable of boosting electricity exchange with neighbors to 10GW

April 14, 2021 - 15:31

TEHRAN – Iranian Energy Minister Reza Ardakanian has said the country is capable of boosting its electricity exchange with the neighboring countries to 10,000 megawatts (10 gigawatts), IRNA reported on Wednesday.

Speaking in the monthly meeting of the members of the Iranian Energy Club which was held through video conference, Ardakanian put the country’s current capacity for electricity exchange with the neighbors at 3,500 MW.

Referring to the positive measures taken by the Energy Ministry for expanding the possibility of energy exchange with neighboring countries, the minister said: "Now, we have the possibility to exchange electricity with all countries that share land borders with us."

The Energy Ministry, however, is also pursuing a plan for exporting electricity to the southern Arab neighbors through sea.

Ardakanian also mentioned the synchronization of the country's power grid with Iraq back in November 2019, and the plans for synchronizing of the electricity network with Russia through Armenia-Georgia or Azerbaijan, saying: “Whichever of these routes that is agreed on sooner will become operational."

“The Iran-Azerbaijan-Russia route is a more feasible route, and with the consent of all three countries, an Iranian contractor has been selected to study this project; the relevant contract was prepared and signed, and the primary studies are hoped to begin soon,” Ardakanian explained.

According to the official, in addition to Iraq and Russia, negotiations are also underway with Afghanistan and some new projects have been defined in order to expand the two country’s energy cooperation.

The mentioned plans are to be pursued in the two countries’ upcoming Joint Economic Committee meeting which is going to be held in Kabul, he noted.

Referring to the follow-up on the negotiations with Qatar in previous years, he noted: “The chairmanship of the Iran-Qatar Joint Economic Committee has also been assigned to the Energy Ministry.”

Currently, the Iranian power industry consists of one million kilometers of transmission, distribution, and super-distribution networks, about 500,000 mega-volt ampere capacity of high and low-pressure substations, and about 85,000 MW capacity of power plants, Ardakanian said.

As one of the major players in West Asia’s energy market, Iran is now emerging as a major electricity hub in the region as the country is following a comprehensive plan for synchronizing its power grid with the neighboring countries.

The synchronization of power grids with the neighboring countries, not only enhances Iran’s electricity exchanges with them, but it will also increase the political stance of the country in the region.

Currently, Iran has electricity exchange with Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Turkmenistan, and Afghanistan.

Earlier this week, Energy Ministry's Spokesman for Electricity Industry Mostafa Rajabi Mashhadi also announced that the country is pursuing a plan for exporting electricity to the southern Arab neighbor Oman through the sea.

Iran’s total electricity exchanges depend on the hot and cold seasons of the year since, during the hot season which is the peak consumption period, the country’s electricity exports decrease and the country even imports some electricity.


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