Revolution Poetry and Fiction Festival honors winners 

February 16, 2021 - 18:44

TEHRAN – Winners of the 12th Revolution Poetry and Fiction Festival were honored during a ceremony on Monday at Tehran’s Art Bureau.

Islamic Ideology Dissemination Organization director Hojatoeslam Mohammad Qomi and several other cultural officials joined the literati attending the ceremony.

No book was picked as best adults’ novel section, while “Fog and Smoke” by Sajjad Khaleiqi was named best children’s novel.

“Daddies Don’t Get Lost” by Monireh Hashemi was selected as best children’s short story, and the award for best adult short story was given to “Castle” by Mehdi Purfard.

In the revolution poetry section, the award for the single modern poetry was given to Fahimeh Qaedi’s “White Language”, and the award for the single classical poetry was given to Maedeh Hashemi’s “Unequal War”.

“Rain Is Angel” by Hossein Abdi received the award for best children’s poetry collection, and “Peace on the Barrel of the Gun” by Monireh Hashemi was honored as the best young adult poetry collection.

“Vulture in the Skin of Eagle” by Abbas Baqeri was selected as best modern poetry, and “Flight” by Alireza Mohammad-Alibeigi received the award for best classical poetry. 

Revolutionary poets Ali-Mohammad Moaddab, Sadeq Rahmani and Ali Davudi were among the poets who attended the program.

Also on Sunday, a hall at the bureau was named after Iranian poet and translator Tahereh Saffarzadeh (1936-2008).

Saffarzadeh, a female scholar, poet and translator who died of cancer in 2008, is famous for her bilingual translation of the Holy Quran in Persian and English.

She also translated a selection of the Nahj-ul-Balagha of Imam Ali (AS) into Persian and English.

The ceremony was also attended by a number of cultural officials who talked about the cultural activities of the late Saffarzadeh. 

Speaking at the ceremony, veteran poet Mohammadreza Sohrabinejad said that Ms. Saffarzadeh had conducted deep studies about the Holy Book of Quran and religious studies, and her translation of the Quran is one of the very best of translations.

“Late Saffarzadeh was a great personality who served the revolution and religion,” he added.

Poet Sadeq Rahmani called her a great researcher who spent the first years of her activity on poetry and literature.

Her great success was her simple language, he said adding that she was also successful in Quran translation. “English translations of Quran and Nahj-ul-Balagha of Imam Ali (AS) are among her best activities,” he added.

Photo: A winner bows before the audience after being honored at the 12th Revolution Poetry and Fiction Festival at the Andisheh Hall of the Art Bureau in Tehran on February 15, 2021. (Mehr/Saeidreza Razavi)


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