Envoy urges the world to put a stop to Israel’s crimes

January 30, 2021 - 20:36

TEHRAN - Majid Takht Ravanchi, Iran’s ambassador and permanent representative to the United Nations, on Friday criticized the international community's inaction towards the Zionist regime's crimes, saying it cannot continue forever.

In a virtual meeting of the United Nations Security Council on “The situation in the Middle East (West Asia), including the Palestinian question”, Takht-Ravanchi noted, “The Palestinians ended the year 2020 while the occupation of their lands and the brutalities of the occupying power persisted.”

Pointing to “the killing of over 70 Palestinians, including nearly 20 children and women”, he stressed “Israel wounded over 6,740 others, including a large number of women and children, demolished or seized over 590 Palestinian properties, as well as displaced nearly 690 Palestinians in the year 2020.”

“The Israeli regime also continued its military adventurism and destabilizing practices in the region, including through invading some regional countries, particularly Syria. It also continued further saber rattling and openly and repeatedly threatened regional states,” according to Iran’s envoy to the UN. 

He criticized the Security Council for its inability to end the decades-long occupation of Palestine, saying the Council has failed “to protect the very basic rights of millions of oppressed Palestinians at home and abroad, and to confront an occupying regime that has shamelessly committed all four core international crimes, not once but several times.”

Underscoring that “the international community must also do whatever it can to address this crisis”, he reminded other members of the UN Security Council about the U.S. duty “to put an end to its irresponsible policy of unreservedly supporting the unlawful acts of the Israeli regime as well as complete and systematic shielding of Israel against the Security Council’s criticism.”


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