MP: Iran should not let Tel Aviv, Riyadh to aggravate Iran’s ties with the West

January 24, 2021 - 18:18

TEHRAN - Jalil Rahimi Jahanabadi, a member of the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the Parliament, suggest all “should support the government to manage tensions and challenges between Iran and the West and not allow Israel and some rival countries in the region, such as Saudi Arabia, to aggravate the situation.”

On his prediction of the new Biden administration’s policy towards the JCPOA, he said, "There is a slow and complex decisions process in the U.S. government because there is a division of power in the U.S.”

Jahanabadi added, “Apart from the division of power in the U.S. political establishment, the U.S. allies, the Europeans and Israelis in the region and some Arab countries and even some of their rivals such as China and Russia, which the U.S needs them to take measures (against Iran) in the Security Council, play a key role to influence Biden’s policies towards Iran.” 

Talking ISNA, the MP said currently there is no better agreement than the JCPOA, the official name for the 2015 nuclear agreement.

“First, there is no logical and rational framework for dialogue with Iran on nuclear issues except the JCPOA, and if they want to reach a new agreement, it is not easily possible. Therefore, it is better to revive the JCPOA in the same framework.” 

Politicians, officials, and pundits believe that Donald Trump’s “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran ended in failure. Through a total ban on Iran’s oil export, Trump intended to strangulate the Iranian economy. 

“The Americans have a bitter experience during the Trump era that failed to create a global consensus and bring Iran to the negotiating table. Trump could not attack Iran militarily and the sanctions did not bring Iran to its knees, so there is no other way but to negotiate with Iran. However, this issue needs a global consensus. I think the U.S. will consult with Europe and with Israel in the region and some of its rivals, and then they will come to Iran for talks,” the MP stated.

The legislator sitting on the Majlis national security committee also backed the Rouhani administration’s policy toward the JCPOA. 

“First of all, we need to reach a consensus to support the current government. The current government has formed the JCPOA framework. We need to manage the relations between Iran and the West. We should not allow the Israelis and some rival countries, such as Saudi Arabia, to deteriorate the relation between us and the West.” 


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