Ayatollah Khamenei hails nurses as ‘angels of mercy’

December 20, 2020 - 13:15

TEHRAN – In a live televised speech on Sunday, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei showered the nurses with praise, saying they did a “great job” in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Leader delivered the speech on the occasion of the birthday anniversary of Lady Zeinab al-Kubra (pbuh), which coincides with National Nurses Day in Iran.

“During the coronavirus [pandemic] and under very difficult and much more stressful circumstances, our dear nurses did a great job and they showed scenes and activities that are truly amazing,” the Leader said, calling the nurses "angels of mercy".

He offered condolences to the families of nurses that lost their loved ones due to coronavirus, adding that the job of nurses became ever more difficult and stressful during the pandemic due to the likelihood of contracting the deadly virus.

"The struggle of nurses during this period made them dearer and more honorable in the eyes of the people than ever before,” the Leader noted.

Ayatollah Khamenei also addressed the implementation of a law that, if implemented, would benefit the nurses. The law sets tariffs on nursing services and has already been ratified but is yet to be implemented.

The Leader underlined the need for government officials to determine the employment status of nearly 30,000 nurses, saying that “employing nurses is one of the necessary and good things that must be pursued seriously.”


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