Iran boosts air defenses on northwestern borders amid Armenia-Azerbaijan war

TEHRAN - Major General Seyed Abdolrahim Mousavi, the commander of Iran’s Army, said on Monday that Iran has strengthened its air defense systems in the northwestern region of the country.
“Air defense units have been strengthened in the northwestern region of the country and will be further strengthened if needed,” said the top general, adding, “The tranquility of the people is of special importance to us.”
Mousavi, who also serves as the commander of the Khatam al-Anbiya Air Defense Base, underlined the importance of preserving the security of the people, especially those who live in border areas.
General Mousavi added, “Respecting the territorial integrity of countries and preserving the official international borders are among our well-known principles and we will not tolerate any changes in these borders. We have opposed these changes and will continue to do so.”
With respect to the presence of Takfiri elements, Mousavi said, “Takfiri terrorists, Daesh, and the Zionists are seen as ostracized elements all over the world, and their presence everywhere causes hatred and insecurity. Our forces, as they proved many times, will severely counter the presence of these elements.”
The commander also directed the Army Air Force and the IRGC air defense forces to strengthen their air defense units.
General Mousavi was appointed by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution as the commander of the Khatam al-Anbiya Air Defense Base in May 2019. At that time, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei tasked him with strengthening the country’s air defenses.
“Given the segregation of Air Defense affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Army from the Khatam Al-Anbiya Air Defense Base, I hereby appoint you as the Commander-in-Chief of this base, while you shall remain in your position of Commander-in-Chief of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Army,” the Leader said in a decree as he announced the appointment of General Mousavi.
The Leader added, “It is expected that all capabilities and capacities of the country's Armed Forces be used in this crucial position; the country be provided [with] impervious air defense; and the coherent, complete, strong and up-to-date network of commanding and controlling Air Defense be strengthened.”
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