‘U.S. president not to leave office graciously if he loses 2020 election’

October 20, 2020 - 21:4

U.S. President Donald Trump will not leave office “graciously” if he loses the 2020 presidential election against Democratic nominee Joe Biden, says his former national security adviser John Bolton.

Bolton, who was fired by Trump and turned against him, made the comments in a CNN interview..

“I think it’s very troubling [Trump] has said, ‘I can’t lose unless there’s fraud,’” Bolton said. “Of course he can lose in an honest election.”

The Republican nominee resisted pressure to acknowledge a peaceful transfer of power if he loses on November 3.

He further warned that “Let’s be clear: Trump will not leave graciously if he loses. He will not leave graciously. Whether he carries it to the extreme, I don’t think we know.”

Despite being officially nominated by the GOP, Bolton asserted that Trump is not a conservative or a Republican.

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