Museum dedicated to printing industry being built in Bushehr

September 21, 2020 - 20:54

TEHRAN – A cultural heritage museum, dedicated to the printing industry, is being constructed in the port city of Bushehr, southwest Iran. 

“A publishing museum will be set up in Bushehr with the goal of preserving historical works and objects left from the past in the port city,” Nasrollah Ebrahimi,  a local tourism official, said on Monday.

“The history of publishing and printed media in Bushehr goes to some 100 years and that was the reason behind the idea of establishing such a museum.”

“Cultural, political, and economic exchange with other parts of the world led to cultural and political promotion and the expansion of the publication of various weekly magazines in Bushehr since the Constitutional Revolution [of Iran]…. and this matter increases the need for the launch of a museum,” the official explained.

The Constitutional Revolution took place between 1905 and 1911. The revolution led to the establishment of a parliament in the country during the Qajar era. It was a period of unprecedented debate in a burgeoning press and new economic opportunities.


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