Ancient salt mine to become more tourist-friendly

September 21, 2020 - 20:46

TEHRAN – A historically-rich salt mine in Iran’s northwestern Zanjan province, where several salt men and their personal belongings have been discovered so far, will be equipped with tourist-friendly, safety, and electronic systems such as closed-circuit television cameras.

“Fifteen cameras will be installed in Chehrabad Salt Mine in order to enhance the safety of the site museum,” provincial tourism chief Amir Arjmand said on Sunday.

It is part of a scheme for boosting tourism infrastructure at the ancient site and other travel destinations across the province, the official added.

The first salt mummy, dated to 300 CE, was discovered at the site in 1993, sporting a long white beard, iron knives, and a single gold earring. In 2004 another mummy was discovered only 50 feet away, followed by another in 2005 and a “teenage” boy mummy later that year.

In 2005, a systematic excavation began, three more mummies were excavated, and a sixth remained in situ, due to lack of funds for its storage. The context of the remains suggested that a collapse in the mine had caused the death of the miners in question.


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