Iranian orchestra Pako records album with narrations by writer Mahmud Dowlatabadi

September 21, 2020 - 18:27

TEHRAN – The Iranian orchestra Pako has recorded an album titled “The Art of Peace” with narrations by prominent Iranian novelist Mahmud Dowlatabadi.

Over 70 musicians from 24 countries have collaborated with the orchestra in this collection. One of its pieces is scheduled to be released online in the near future.

The orchestra has made use of varied original and traditional instruments from different civilizations.

The orchestra has been established to promote peace and friendship, and fight against war and violence.

Writer Dowlatabadi was born in the Dowlatabad Village of Sabzevar in 1940. Self-educated and forced to work from childhood, Dowlatabadi spent part of his younger adult years as a stage actor in Tehran.

His monumental 3,000-page saga “Kelidar” narrates the lives of Kurdish tribes and peasants from a poverty-stricken village in Khorasan Province during the mid-1940s.

“Desert Strata”, “The Trip”, “The Legend of Baba Sobhan”, “The Cowherd”, “Aqil”, “Man” and “Missing Soluch” are among Dowlatabadi’s noteworthy credits.

“Kelidar” is the name of a mountain situated in proximity to the cities of Sabzevar, Neyshabur and Quchan.

Photo: Mahmud Dowlatabadi in an undated photo. (ISNA/Mehdi Qasemi)


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