Coronavirus shuts down Iran’s national library again 

August 18, 2020 - 18:55

TEHRAN – The National Library and Archives of Iran (NLAI) has been closed to prevent the spread of coronavirus following a request by the Coronavirus Combat and Prevention Headquarters.

“Tehran is currently in the so-called ‘red area’ with high coronavirus hospitalizations, and to combat the virus, the halls of the library will be closed until the headquarters announces permission to reopen,” the NLAI announced in a press release published on Tuesday. 

The library was closed with the very beginning of the spread of coronavirus in late February. Part of the library reopened in June, however, it has been closed again until further notice. 

The NLAI is home to over 40,000 copies of rare manuscripts with some dating back 700 years.

Photo: A view of the library of the National Library and Archives of Iran (NLAI) in Tehran.


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