President's Special Envoy Arrives in Istanbul

August 31, 1999 - 0:0
ANKARA -- Iran's Health Minister Mohammad Farhadi heading a delegation arrived on Monday morning at Istanbul airport to submit a message of condolences from President Mohammad Khatami to his Turkish counterpart Suleyman Demirel on the killer earthquake in Turkey which claimed thousands of lives. The Iranian envoy is to meet with the Turkish president today. The Iranian minister and his entourage were welcomed at the airport by Turkish officials.

Farhadi also expressed sympathy and condolences of the Iranian nation and government on the sad incident to the Turkish people and government. ``Iran is ready to provide quake-stricken people of Turkey with relief supplies,'' he said. The Islamic Republic of Iran has already sent two plane-loads of foodstuffs, medicines and tents for the victims of the killer quake in Turkey. Iran has also opened a bank account for collection of cash donations made by the Iranian people for the Turkish quake victims.

The third plane-load of Iranian relief supplies was to arrive at Istanbul airport yesterday afternoon. (IRNA)