NLAI director Ashraf Borujerdi, Australian Ambassador Lyndall Sachs meet in Tehran

TEHRAN – National Library and Archives of Iran (NLAI) director Ashraf Borujerdi and the Australian ambassador to Iran, Lyndall Sachs, met in Tehran on Monday.
Bilateral cooperation between the national libraries of the two countries and the role of the national libraries in developing cultural diplomacy and communications were discussed during the meeting.
Borujerdi said that the national libraries act as a good venue for dialogues helping to establish joint understanding.
She pointed to the relation of the national library with other countries and said, “One of the main goals of the library is to create a venue to organize book fairs and exhibits to display rare copies of manuscripts.”
The NLAI organizes dozens of master classes on the restoration of manuscripts every year, during which experts from different countries take part and exchange views, she added.
“After the rapid spread of coronavirus in Iran and in the world, what is of high significance is the issue of digitizing the sources. We know that Australia enjoys rich sources of books and its national library is a good reference,” she said.
She said that the national library has been established to provide a basis for learning more about other cultures and develop cultures.
The NLAI is home to over 40,000 copies of rare manuscripts dating back to 700 years, she asserted.
The ambassador also said that the National Library of Australia is considered a reference library for its valuable books.
She hoped that Australia would have a special section in the National Library and Archives of Iran to display books on literature and sources on Australia.
She said that through cultural activities, the two countries can help develop cultural diplomacy, and the national libraries of the countries can play a key role in this way.
Photo: National Library and Archives of Iran director Ashraf Borujerdi (L) and Australian Ambassador Lyndall Sachs meet in Tehran on July 27, 2020. (NLAI)
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