Iran’s Graphic Design Week to pay tribute to Morteza Momayyez

July 24, 2020 - 18:56

TEHRAN – Iran’s Graphic Design Week plans to pay tribute to Morteza Momayyez, who is considered to be the father of modern graphic art in Iran.

The festival plans to organize a poster exhibition named “Morteza Momayyez: Art as Profession”, the organizers announced on Thursday.

As the main organizer of the Graphic Design Week, the Iranian Graphic Designers Society commences the weeklong festival every year on April 27, which has been designated World Design Day by the International Council of Design (ico-D).

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak in Iran, the festival was postponed indefinitely.

The society’s decision to pay tribute to Momayyez refers to ico-D’s decision to select the theme “Be Professional!” for World Design Day 2020.  

“Due to a new outbreak of the virus in Iran, no exact date has been set for the week yet,” Onish Aminollahi said and added, “However, in addition to the exhibitions that we will organize at the Iranian Artists Forum, we plan to hold several open-air exhibits.”

In a statement published on Thursday, the selecting committee of the week composed of Kurosh Parsanejad, Mehdi Saeidi, Majid Abbasi, Kianush Gharibour and Mehdi Mahdian wrote, “As history confirms, Morteza Momayyez is a powerful symbol of professionalism in graphic design and tribute to him is homage to a professional life.” 

“Finding examples of professionalism and a new approach to Morteza Momayyez is really pleasant, however, it is difficult to express it through designs.”

Twenty-five posters have been selected to be showcased in the official section of the festival.

Momayyez died of cancer in 2005 at the age of 70.
The theme “Be Professional!” is a reflection on the designer’s role, not only in designing, but in their greater responsibilities towards humanity, the planet and culture, ico-D wrote in its statement for World Design Day 2020.

“If we consider ourselves professionals, then we must adhere to a set of commonly held principles that we are not willing to compromise. If we consider ourselves professionals then we must consider the impact of our work on more than the client and the individual end-user; we are accountable for the social, cultural and environmental costs of our professional actions,” the council stated.

Photo: Graphic designer Morteza Momayyez in an undated photo.


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