‘An international organization like IAEA must not rely on spying information’

TEHRAN - Diako Hosseini, director of the World Studies Program at the Presidential Centre for Strategic Studies, has said that an international organization such as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) must not rely on spying information.
“Continuation of such matter will lead to unending spectrum of claims for inspection of Iran’s sites which is contrary to framework of the agency and the legal procedures,” Hosseini told IRNA in an interview published on Thursday.
He also said, “New resolution of the Board of Governors can start a new process against Iran and lead to increase in tension between Iran and the agency and change the path of Iran’s nuclear agreement.”
However director of the World Studies Program at the Presidential Centre for Strategic Studies noted that the resolution is not obligatory.
“But it can lay the grounds for return to a situation before the signing of the JCPOA [the 2015 nuclear deal], from both aspect of ruining diplomatic achievements of the JCPOA and also return of the sanctions which were removed or suspended under the nuclear deal,” he added.
The 35-member IAEA board of governors passed a resolution on June 19 demanding access to two old places it claimed nuclear work may have been done there.
Behrooz Kamalvandi, spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), has said that the IAEA must not give credit to unreliable information propagated through “spying activities”.
“The agency must not rely on or give credit to the information that has been gained through spying activities and unreliable sources,” Kamalvandi said in an article published on June 20.
Kamalvandi wrote, “In fact, any request for transparency or complementary access by the agency based on fake evidence are against the agency’s charter. So, it does not make any obligation for Iran to fulfil such requests.”
Unreliable source and information must not become a justification and legal basis to put pressure on other countries and level accusations against them, he added.
“Accepted obligations under the JCPOA do not mean that any question of the agency must be answered, otherwise we would face many questions which are based on fake documents,” the nuclear official noted.
He also said the IAEA must respect the countries’ sovereignty.
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