Tehran gallery makes debut with “Photography 99”

TEHRAN – Honare Tehran Gallery is playing host to a collection of photos selected by Fereidun Farbud in an exhibition titled “Photography 99”.
Photos by over 90 veteran photographers, including Abbas Kiarostami, Maryam Zandi, Kamran Shirdel, Seifollah Samadian, Saeid Sadeqi, Sadeq Tirafkan, Mehdi Pakdel and Niyusha Tavakolian, are on display at the exhibit.
“Works by the veteran photographers are on view beside photos by newcomers, and I am happy to have been able to organize such an exhibit,” curator Farbud said on Sunday.
The photos in color and black and white are on display in separate halls. In addition, separated sections have been dedicated to displaying nature and documentary photos and works by photojournalists, he added.
“When the photos by each photographer were placed on display on the walls, a kind of relation appeared between the photos, leading to a form of visual communication,” he said.
“All the photos have been placed in small frames for display since we planned to showcase the personal narrations of Iranian photographers and show how a large number of photographers have their different viewpoints towards photography and their topics,” he explained.
“And that is why it seems the displayed photos do not have any commonality, but they can put next to each other considering their style of personal narration,” he said.
He added that the exhibit was scheduled to open in March but was postponed due to the outbreak of coronavirus in the country.
“I believe the quarantine in the early days of the pandemic was hard for everyone, however, the artist could overcome the situation since they could work in their personal ateliers. On the other side, the photographers were also able to continue their activities and record part of the visual memory of the society,” he asserted.
Honare Tehan Gallery has inaugurated the exhibit “Photography 99” under the management of Majid Saeidi, and part of the sale is scheduled to be dedicated to charity.
The exhibit, which opened on Friday, will run until July 20 to provide more time for the visitors to avoid crowds and observe social distancing.
The gallery can be found at 3 Nikushahr Dead End, Iranshahr St.
Photo: Art aficionados visit the photo exhibition “Photography 99” at Honare Tehran Gallery on June 19, 2020.
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