Annual elevator production falls to 25,000 units

TEHRAN - Head of the Iranian Syndicate for Elevator and Escalator Industries said although the country has the capacity for production and commissioning of 80,000 elevators annually, only 25,000 units are currently produced per year due to the stagnation of the construction industry, IRNA reported.
According to Abbas Abrishami, the highest level of elevator production and installation in the country was recorded in the Iranian calendar year of 1392 (March 2013-March 2014) with 70,000 units, which was due to the boom in the construction of Mehr housing units.
Abrishami further mentioned the Industry, Mining and Trade Ministry’s plans for establishing export groups for this sector in order to develop the exports of services and products in the industry, adding that Iran is the third country in the world after the United Kingdom and Canada to launch scientific training centers to provide academic training in this area.
The official noted that the syndicate has 1,800 members, which include 1,200 members in the design and engineering services department, 200 in the production department and another 200 in the field of distribution and sales of parts, while the rest are active in the other areas.
He put the total number of operating elevators in the country at nearly 750,000, from which 250 million people use on a daily basis, adding that the demand for the sale and installation of elevators is 50,000 per year.
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