Sirous Asgari who is in U.S. will return to Iran in coming days

TEHRAN - Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi said on Monday that Iranian scientist Sirous Asgari freed in U.S. captivity will return to Iran in the coming days.
“Mr. Sirous Asgari’s case has been closed and he will probably return to the country in the next two or three days if no issues or obstacles come up,” he said during a press conference.
“Security of the Iranian inmates in the U.S. and Europe, whom we considered being taken as hostages, is very important for us,” he added.
Asgari, a materials science, and engineering professor had visited the U.S. to see her daughters that was arrested under the allegation of violating sanctions against Iran.
The professor, who has a history of respiratory problems, was exonerated in a U.S. sanctions trial last year, but Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) jail in Louisiana had refused to release him or allow him to return to Iran.
Asgari had tested positive for coronavirus in prison. He broke the story in an interview with the Guardian on April 28.
Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif announced on May 11 that Asghari freed in U.S. captivity will soon return to Iran.
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