Rouhani urges completion of semi-finished oil industry projects

May 26, 2020 - 14:13

TEHRAN – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, in a phone conversation with Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh, stressed the need for accelerating the completion of the oil industry’s semi-finished projects, Shana reported.

As reported, during the conversation, Zanganeh reported on the progress of priority projects in the oil industry, including South Pars projects, Jask oil terminal project, and the 1,000-kilometer Gore-Jask pipeline, as well as petrochemical projects and West Karun development projects.

After hearing the oil minister’s report, Rouhani pointed to the direct impact of this sector's performance on the realization of the “Surge in Production” motto and said: “We must try to implement all the industry’s projects, especially in the field of petrochemicals, as soon as possible using the power and capacities of our experts.”

Mentioning the fact that the country’s oil, gas and petrochemical industries suffered the least damage from the coronavirus outbreak, the president thanked all the employees, engineers and workers of the oil industry who have been present in their fields of work in recent months, despite the difficult conditions caused by the pandemic, and have tried their best to serve the country and the people.

The current Iranian calendar year (started on March 20) has been called the year of “Surge in Production” by the Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran Seyed Ali Khamenei.

Earlier this month, Zanganeh said that the coronavirus outbreak did not have a negative impact on oil production in the country.

Elaborating on the Oil Ministry’s measures for containing coronavirus, the official noted that the ministry has made serious efforts to prevent any stoppage in the oil production while protecting the workforce.

He added that all activities of the oil industry have been resumed.

Back in March, Zanganeh and Head of National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) Masoud Karbasian had discussed necessary measures for containing the coronavirus in the Iranian oil industry’s operational areas.

In the meeting the oil minister also discussed ways of preventing the spread of coronavirus in the oil, gas, refining and petrochemical operational areas with his deputies and managers of operating companies via videoconference.


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