Rouhani: It is ‘great betrayal’ if a coronavirus patient hides his disease

TEHRAN - President Hassan Rouhani said on Saturday that it is a “great betrayal” if somebody who is infected with the coronavirus hides his disease.
“We are tasked to announce if we have a feeling of the disease,” the president remarked.
He also commended the people for following health instructions.
Iran enforced social distancing from Saturday. It is also banning inter-city traffic. Government spokesman Ali Rabiei announced on Saturday that the limits introduced because of the pandemic disease will be in place until April 8.
As of Saturday, the deadly coronavirus, known as Covid-19, has infected over 35,000 in Iran and killed more than 2,500.
The president also said according to a new plan put forward by the Health Ministry if a person is diagnosed with coronavirus “he is duty bound to quarantine himself for two weeks”.
He also boasted the country’s healthcare system and lauded healthcare workers for providing services to patients infected by the coronavirus, saying “thanks God” Iran is not among countries whose patients are abandoned on sidewalks or on the “grass outside hospital”.
Speaking in the meeting of National Task Force for Combating Corona, the president said, “The foundation and the infrastructure of the country’s health system is so strong that even if the disease reaches a peak, the health system and physicians, and nurses are ready… and the Iranian nation should be proud of its health staff.”
Rouhani said over the past six years the basics of the healthcare system have become so strong that any coronavirus patient who goes to a hospital 90% of his health costs are paid by the government.
However, he said, in certain countries patients have to pay 1300 to 1500 dollars for the first test and they also have to pay extra for every day that they are in hospital.
He added, "Today, alongside the coronary illness, there is unity throughout the country.
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