French festival to spotlight Iranian cinema

TEHRAN – The 15th Panorama of Maghreb and Middle Eastern Cinemas, a Parisian international film festival, will review a lineup of the latest Iranian movies in a special section.
Feature films “Dressage” by Puya Badkubeh, “Yalda, a Night for Forgiveness” by Masud Bakhshi, “Hendi and Hormoz” by Abbas Amini and “Esrafil” by Ida Panahandeh are among the films to go on screen in this section.
Documentary films “Sonita”, a co-production from Iran, Germany and Switzerland by Iranian filmmaker Rokhsareh Qaem-Maqami and “Women According to Men” by Saeid Nuri will also be screened at the festival, which is scheduled to be held from March 3 to 21.
The festival will also screen short films by female Iranian filmmakers, including “Personal” by Sonia Haddad, “Double” by Ronak Jafari and “The Drive” by Tanin Torabi.
“The Toaster I Used to Live In” by Rojin Shafiei and “Horn” and “Online Shopping”, both by Ghasideh Golmakani, are also among the films.
Round tables on women elites of Iranian cinema will also be organized on the sidelines of the festival.
Filmmaker Ghasideh Golmakani, France-based Iranian cinema expert Bamshad Purvali, Lebanese director Dima El-Horr and French scholars Emna Mrabet and Claudine Le Pallec Marand are scheduled to attend the sessions.
Photo: A scene from “Hendi and Hormoz” by Iranian director Abbas Amini.
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