By M.A. Saki

We are all Chinese

February 5, 2020 - 21:49

At this difficult time that the Chinese people are grappling with the novel coronavirus it is our human and moral duty to show a feeling of empathy toward the Chinese.

Like all other Asians, the Chinese are an affectionate and kind nation. At such a critical situation that coronavirus is taking tolls among people in Wuhan, ordinary people around the world can just wish that the Chinese would overcome this deadly disease as soon as possible. 

However, physicians, state officials, and philanthropists from different parts of the world are expected to do whatever they can to help China contain the epidemic.

The great Persian poet Saadi (Saadi Shirazi) in his book Golestan (Rose Garden) says: A friend in need is a friend indeed.

The Chinese, like the Japanese and Koreans, are the pride of the Asian continent. Just in a four-plus decade, since the time the country started economic reforms, it has made substantial technological and economic progress, emerging as the second largest economy in the world.

So, at this critical situation such a great and iron-willed nation, which inherits an ancient civilization, needs respect and due attention. 

China has acted speedily to counter the outbreak of coronavirus. The construction of a 1000-bed hospital in just 10 days in Wuhan, the epicenter of the virus, is a proof that the country is well-prepared in the face of calamities. However, one thing that will remain in the memory of the Chinese is how other countries behaved or reacted at this difficult time.

It is absolutely necessary to take all the precautionary measures to stop the flow of the virus to other countries, and that China must take all the essential steps, including hygienic measures, to eliminate all the possible causes of the current virus and similar ones in the future. But adding salt to the wound at this sensitive time is unforgivable. 

For example, remarks by U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, who in an interview on Fox Business on January 31 said the deadly virus in China “will help to accelerate the return of jobs to North America”, is disgusting.

All our thoughts and wishes are with the Chinese people at this hard time and earnestly hope that they would win over the disease soon. 


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