Cleric: Trump’s ‘deal of the century’ nothing but disgrace

February 1, 2020 - 8:19

TEHRAN - Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Movahedi Kermani on Friday castigated the so-called U.S. peace plan for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, titled “deal of the century”, calling it a “disgrace” and a betrayal of the Palestinian cause.

Addressing worshippers in Tehran, Movahedi Kermani said, “It is a unilateral decision by the Israeli regime, the U.S. and certain Arab countries.”

On Tuesday, the White House claimed that Trump’s deal was the most serious, realistic, and detailed plan ever presented, one that could make Israelis, Palestinians, and the region safer and more prosperous.

"This Vision is just the first step and provides the basis for historic progress toward peace. The United States hopes this Vision will lead to direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians," it added.

Shortly after the Trump’s deal was unveiled, the Palestinians took to streets in Gaza and the West Bank to protest conspiracy of Trump favoring Israel at the expense of the State of Palestine.

On Friday, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, Iraq's leading cleric, also "heavily condemned" Trump's so-called peace plan.

Also in a statement on Wednesday, Ayatollah Sistani said the plan is doomed to failure.

On Wednesday, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi expressed outrage at the plan, saying it is a conspiracy to stir up hatred and violence in the West Asian region.

"The so-called ‘deal of the century’ is a sheer travesty, conjured up by rogue crooks to shatter the dreams of a long-suffering nation for human dignity and self-determination," Mousavi wrote on his Twitter account.

He added, "It is indeed a 'Deveal (devil+deal)', descended to sow everlasting hatred and violence in West Asia."

Also, Iran's President Hassan Rouhani condemned Trump's so-called 'peace plan' for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as 'the most despicable plan of the century.'

"Enough of these foolish attempts," Rouhani wrote on his Twitter account on Wednesday.

"The Most Despicable Plan of the Century," he added.


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