Iranian president calls U.S. illegal sanctions crime against humanity

Rouhani: Trump just implementing Israeli policies

January 21, 2020 - 19:26

TEHRAN – President Hassan Rouhani said on Tuesday that the United States’ “illegal sanctions” against Iran and its plots against Venezuela are “crime against humanity”.

Rouhani made the remarks during a meeting with Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza in Tehran.

“Undoubtedly, the independent nations will resist pressure and plots and will definitely gain victory at the end of this path and will make the United States regret,” Rouhani predicted. 

Rouhani noted, “The current administration of the United States takes actions against independent governments and people and also harms itself.”

He added that the Trump administration is just implementing policies of the Zionist regime of Israel.

Rouhani also said Iran will stand beside Venezuela in countering the U.S. pressure.

Elsewhere, Rouhani called for expansion of relations and cooperation in various areas.

“In this line, we are ready to hold joint commission of cooperation in near future,” he added.

Arreaza, for his part, called for expansion of cooperation.

He also said that the independent countries will definitely resist pressure, counter plots and defend their interests.


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