Trump quits nuclear deal because it had Obama’s name on it: U.S. senator

TEHRAN - U.S. Senator Chris Murphy said on Monday that U.S. President Donald Trump quit the 2015 nuclear deal, known as the JCPOA, just because it had President Barack Obama’s name on it.
“The Iran deal was working, but Trump ripped it all up just because it had Obama’s name on it,” he said in a tweet.
He also said in his tweet that Trump’s blind escalation put U.S. on the brink of war and has led Iran to restart their nuclear program, adding, “And all for nothing.”
Iran suspended all limits on its nuclear program on January 5.
Trump withdrew the U.S. from the nuclear deal in May 2018 and imposed the toughest ever sanctions on Iran.
Ben Rhodes, former Obama’s adviser, said in July 2019 that Trump quit the JCPOA, because Obama negotiated it.
“Did anyone really need a leaked document from the UK Ambassador to know that Trump pulled out of the Iran Deal because Obama negotiated it?” Rhodes tweeted.
Kim Darroch, the former British ambassador to the U.S., has said Trump seemed to be discarding the Iran nuclear deal for “personality reasons,” as the deal had been agreed to by Obama, the Daily Mail reported in July 2019.
Darroch said the Trump administration was “set upon an act of diplomatic vandalism” in its decision to abandon the JCPOA.
Former British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw told IRNA in an interview in October 2019 Trump quit the nuclear deal because Obama signed it.
He said that the U.S. must admit that it made a wrong decision to quit the nuclear deal, urging the White House to return to the pact.
Straw said that the United States’ withdrawal from the JCPOA had “no logic”.
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