People stage rally in Tehran to condemn violent acts

TEHRAN – People poured into Tehran’s main streets in very large numbers on Monday afternoon to show their allegiance to the Islamic Republic system and deplore rioters who misused the peaceful protests against an increase in gas price to commit acts of violence.
The marchers gathered in Enqelab (Revolution) square to underline their support for the Islamic Republic system, express loyalty to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and also voice their outrage of the rioters and the enemies who are seeking to destabilize Iran.
Before the massive rally in Tehran, certain other cities across the country staged rallies to condemn moves detrimental to public security.
Marchers in Tehran chanted slogans in support of Velayat Faqih (Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist) and against the U.S., Israel and certain reactionary regimes in the region which incited violence during the protests last week.
Demonstrators used four main streets to gather in Enqelab square. They are as follows:
First path: From north (north Kargar street towards Enqelab square);
Second path: From south (Hor square, south Kargar street towards Enqelab square);
Third path: From east (Ferdowsi square towards Enqelab square);
Fourth path: From west (Navab traffic light, Azadi street towards Enqelab square).
Chief Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Major General Hossein Salmi delivered a speech at the gathering of the demonstrators in Enqelab square.
Salami told the gathering that riots were the results of a “comprehensive global scenario” against the Islamic Republic.
The senior general added, “Today, Iran is in a great world war.”
On November 15, the government increased gasoline price. However, the legitimate public protests against the price increase were directed at sowing chaos through targeted attacks on public and private properties, forcing law enforcement forces to step in to stop saboteurs.
The rioters used guns and knives to attack security forces. The IRGC Deputy Chief Ali Fadavi said on Sunday that rioters shot at people and security forces from a distance of one to one and a half meters. Fadavi said the riots were contained within 48 hours.
Early estimates of an intelligence body showed that a sum of nearly 87,000 protesters and rioters had taken part in protest rallies and gatherings since November 15, when increase in gas price went into effect.
A large number of protesters, who over 93% of them were men, had only been present in the gathering centers and avoided joining the rioters in sabotage attacks.
"The identical methods of the main core of violent rioters discloses that they are fully trained individuals who have been prepared and looking forward for the situation to riot, unlike most people who have been taken off guard by the sudden hike in gas price," the intelligence report said.
It showed that gatherings had been comprised of 50 to 1,500 people in 100 places in the country out of a number of 1,080 major towns and cities. The report said violent raids and damage inflicted on properties are larger than what happened in the February 2018 unrests.
Most cases of damage to properties had happened in Khuzestan, Tehran, Fars and Kerman provinces.
The report said most casualties had resulted from armed attacks on gas stations and military centers, adding that a number of police and Basiji forces were martyred in these attacks.
Nearly 1,000 people were arrested across the country while over 100 banks and 57 big stores were set on fire or plundered in just one province.
The Iranian Intelligence Ministry announced in a statement last week that it had identified several rioters who misused the protest rallies.
"The main culprits behind the riots… have been identified and proper measures are being adopted and the honorable nation will be informed about its result later," the statement said.
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