“The Warden” competing in Crime and Punishment Film Festival

November 24, 2019 - 18:16

TEHRAN – Iranian director Nima Javidi’s acclaimed movie “The Warden” is competing in the 9th International Crime and Punishment Film Festival, which is currently underway in the Turkish city of Istanbul.

The film tells the story of an Iranian prison warden who is assigned to transfer prisoners to a new building during the 1960s.

Seven more films, including “Buoyancy” by Rodd Rathjen from Australia, “Midnight Runner” by György Mór Kárpáti from Hungary and “By a Sharp Knife” by Teodor Kuhn from Slovakia, are also competing in the main category of the event. 

In addition, “Hava, Maryam, Ayesha”, a co-production between Iran and Afghanistan by Afghan director Sahra Karimi, is also on screen in the Scale of Justice section of the festival. 

The film is about three pregnant Afghan women from different social backgrounds living in Kabul, each of whom is facing a big challenge in her life and must solve her problem by herself for the first time.

The International Crime and Punishment Film Festival will come to an end on November 28.

Photo: A scene from “The Warden” by Iranian director Nima Javidi.


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