Iran elected International Social Security Association’s bureau member

October 19, 2019 - 19:4

TEHRAN – Mostafa Salari, the managing director of Iran’s Social Security Organization, has been elected as a member of the bureau of the International Social Security Association (ISSA), representing Asia and Pacific region, ISNA reported.

The World Social Security Forum took place in Brussels, Belgium, from October 14 to 18, 2019. 

The Forum is the largest and most important international event for social security. Involving more than 1,000 participants, from more than 150 countries, including ministers, administrators, CEOs and senior managers in social security administration, according to ISSA website.

The Bureau constitutes the administrative authority of the Association, composed of the President of the ISSA, the Treasurer, the Secretary General, and elected members representing the different geographical regions of the world. 

In particular, its main functions are to define the plan of action, the timetable and the guidelines to be followed in drawing up the programme of activities and budget of the Association, to set programme priorities, to monitor and evaluate actual accomplishments, to rule on membership applications and to adopt the financial regulations. 

The ISSA is the world’s leading international organization for social security institutions, government departments and agencies. It promotes excellence in social security administration through professional guidelines, expert knowledge, services and support to enable its members to develop dynamic social security systems and policy throughout the world.

The ISSA was founded in 1927 under the auspices of the International Labour Organization, and today has over 320 member institutions from over 150 countries.


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