By Marzieh Salehi

“Hiring infiltrator”, the British old-fashioned scenario for creating sedition in Iraq

October 12, 2019 - 15:40

TEHRAN - After recent attacks on PMF positions by Israeli fighter jets and Iraqi prime minister’s emphasis on taking revenge, this time the country has been subjected to suspicious disturbance on the eve of the Arba’een. 

Although the Western media is trying to link the disturbance to the spontaneous protests due to economic problems and corruption in Iraq. But the last few months developments and coincidence of the disturbance with some political, security and economic events and with the Arba’een march reveal that the economic and social problems were merely the cause of these events. Provocative and driving elements of the protests should be sought outside the borders of Iraq. 

In the meanwhile, the Zionist regime plays a remarkable role in the protests to hit Iraq as one of main countries of the axis of resistance. Using infiltrating elements is one the old methods of Mossad to meddle in target countries’ affairs.  

Investigations indicate that one of the main Twitter influencer of the recent disturbance is “Ghaith Al-Tamimi”, a man who has undergone major changes in his life. Al-Tamimi educated in “martyr Sadr” seminary as a theologue. After Saddam’s fall, he jointed to Al-Sadr movement and was appointed as one of commanders of Mahdi Army, then he spent one and half year in U.S. custody. 

When he released from prison, he got resident in Britain and gradually became an opponent of Shiite’s seminaries and religious authority.

As one of his anti-Shiite activities, he suggested to destroy holy shrines to stop Iranians from traveling to Iraq. 

He also recently participated as a religious expert in a new documentary on the BBC Arabic channel about “temporary marriage in Iraq” with the aim of assailing Iraqi Shiites.

There is undeniable evidence about Al-Tamimi’s cooperation with Israel, including numerous images of him next to Zionist Jews.

During the recent unrest, Al-Tamimi has escalated tensions. In a post on Facebook, He unveiled his fundamental role in organizing and leading the protests, offering some instructions to change the tactics of the protests. In another statement he attacked religious authority of Iraq, claiming Ayatollah Sistani is no longer a safety valve for Iraqi people, but for parties.

Al-Tamimi also unsuccessfully launched a hashtag on social media, which state the religious authority does not represent me, against most trusted and favorite principle for religious Iraqis.

Economic and social problems and corruption has paved the way for the enemies to incite people and create insecurity. The role of infiltrators to exploit the problems and engage people and the government in marginal issues is very complex and important. 

At this point in time, the government’s main focus should be on reforming defective and corrupt structures to resolve people’s problems.  The Iraqi citizens should be aware of enemies’ sedition who have targeted Iraq’s most important wealth that is the security achieved by the pure blood of thousands of sincere youth.

Indeed, demonstrating the protests at the time of the Arba’een march has no purpose other than to undermine the greatest event of friendship and reform in Iraqi community.

The Arba’een connects the Iraqi people to each other and is the heart of national unity and integrity. The Arba’een will not be eliminated by adversarial approaches of enemies and will always inspire people of this land. 


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