Mosques to offer free legal counseling nationwide

September 21, 2019 - 18:34

TEHRAN – A scheme, titled “each mosque, one legal counselor”, will be launched to provide people with free legal counseling services in mosques nationwide, Mohammad Reza Khoshroo, a judiciary official, has stated.

The scheme aims to reduce people’s legal problems through offering them help with the laws and regulations as well as counseling services.

Using mosques as a place for providing legal and judicial knowledge to people, making peace and reconciliation, and resolving disputes are among the strategies of the cultural affairs department of the judiciary, he noted, IRNA reported on Saturday.

Promoting the knowledge of law among people in order to understand and evaluate the law and to get acquainted with the scope of their rights under the law are other purposes of the scheme, he explained.

Meetings will be held with related organizations by the next week to finalize the scheme and start the services, he concluded.


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