Iran laments sanctions’ negative impact on fighting organized crimes

September 13, 2019 - 19:57

TEHRAN – The Islamic Republic has highlighted the importance of adopting an international approach toward the main roots of organized crimes instead of the U.S. illegal sanctions against Tehran which negatively impact the cause, IRNA reported.

Speaking at a meeting of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, Iran’s ambassador and permanent representative to the Vienna-based international organizations Kazem Gharibabadi said unilateral compulsory acts are among the most important impediments for global cooperation in fighting transnational systematic crimes.

He said human trafficking is still a “bitter reality” for many children and women around the world, and is one the biggest violations of human rights and dignity.

Gharibabadi stressed that effective confrontation against such phenomena can be achieved through taking coherent and comprehensive approach like negotiations and cooperation, adding that finding the roots, preventing, protecting victims, punishing smugglers and participating at the international level should be regarded as the pillar of any comprehensive approach in fighting human trafficking.

The Iranian envoy said regarding the urgent need for promoting international cooperation through presenting technical assistance and building capacity for fighting human trafficking it is emphasized that presenting training courses and raising awareness will be essential, especially for those who are likely to use the smugglers’ services.

He pointed to Iran’s commitment to preventing and fighting all shapes of smuggling, saying in recent years, the Islamic Republic has taken major strides at national, regional and international levels in fighting human trafficking.  

Gharibabadi pointed out that at the international level, Iran is a member of some international conventions and has signed separate MOUs with International Organization for Migration and International Labor Organization for reinforcing its bodies in fighting human trafficking.

Referring to efforts made in fighting human trafficking, he said Iran believes that unilateral compulsory measures are against international regulations and some UN resolutions, and they prevent allocating resources for fighting human trafficking.

Such illegal choices which are regarded as “economic terrorism” prevent rendering technical aid for effective confrontation against human trafficking.

Iran considers as harmful the unilateral illegal sanctions for collective reaction to transnational crimes such as human trafficking and expresses its deep concern over the negative impacts of compulsory illegal acts on the domination of the rule of law in all levels, he added.


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