Iran rejects Arab quartet statement as ‘baseless’

September 13, 2019 - 19:26

TEHRAN - Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi rejected on Thursday anti-Iran claims made by the Arab Ministerial Quartet Committee as “baseless” and “continuation of committing the past political mistakes”.

After its 12th meeting in Cairo on Tuesday, the Arab Ministerial Quartet Committee issued an anti-Iran statement in which it condemned what it called “Iran’s role in destabilizing the security and stability in the region.” 

The committee is comprised of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt. 

According to Press TV, the quartet also claimed that Iran continues to interfere in the “internal affairs of Arab countries” and its officials make “constant provocative statements”.

Mousavi said, “Instead of relying on Persian Gulf countries’ power, certain countries make baseless and unfounded claims about regional security and welcome the foreigners’ claims out of their frustration.”

The ministry spokesman added, “The Islamic Republic of Iran considers baseless accusations against sovereignty over the three (Iranian) islands [of Abu Musa, Greater Tunb and Lesser Tunb] as the inability of certain Arab countries to understand realities in the world.” 

He noted that the wrong path taken by some Arab states will only complicates the problems in the region at a time that rationality and realism are needed.


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