Sanctions hamper access to life-saving medicines in Iran: M8 Alliance

TEHRAN- M8 Alliance, the academic backbone of the World Health Summit, has announced in a recent resolution that “economic sanctions imposed by certain countries (not the United Nations) against Iran had harmful effects on the countries’ economies, people’s welfare, healthcare, and the availability of life-saving medicines.”
The resolution was published following the World Health Summit 2019 (WHS) regional meeting in Iran’s Kish Island on April 29–30.
Each year, the World Health Summit in Berlin is complimented by a Regional Meeting in a different part of the world. Regional Meetings are hosted and organized by the M8 Alliance member holding the World Health Summit International Presidency, which rotates every year.
According to Ali Jafarian, international president of WHS 2019, the WHS regional meeting in Kish Island addressed U.S. sanctions against Iran and how it has hampered the country’s access to medicine and medical equipment as well as doing the financial transactions to acquire such products. After that, the members suggested to address the subject by writing a resolution that will be signed by the M8 Alliance board of directors.
The initial draft of the resolution was prepared in the [Iranian month] of Ordibehesht (ended May 21) and it was reviewed by the M8 Alliance members for about two months before being published, ISNA reported Jafarian as saying.
Every effort of a respectful and peaceful dialogue has to be made in order to avoid aggressive acts and sanctions.The 8th paragraph of the resolution states:
“Emphasize and promote respect, dialogue, justice, and peace among nations and people in the spirit of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. These principles must guide the world and all nations in dealing with conflicts. Every effort of a respectful and peaceful dialogue has to be made in order to avoid aggressive acts and sanctions.
Data were presented at the World Health Summit Regional Meeting that economic sanctions imposed by certain countries (not the United Nations) against Iran had harmful effects on the countries’ economies, people’s welfare, healthcare, and the availability of life-saving medicines.
The M8 Alliance strongly emphasizes in agreement with international conventions that all countries, especially those involved in international conflicts, remain responsible for preserving and supporting adequate medical and humanitarian assistance for all people, especially women, children, and those in need.”
The statement also commended the efforts of Tehran University of Medical Sciences in holding the first ever World Health Summit Regional Meeting student pre-event and proposed the idea of establishing the “M8-Alliance Student Network,” as endorsed at the M8 Assembly meeting on April 28, 2019.
The M8 Alliance of Academic Health Centers, Universities, and National Academies is a collaboration among academic institutions committed to improving global health. It includes the InterAcademy Partnership, which represents all national academies of medicine and science. Working together with political and economic decision-makers, the M8 Alliance’s primary goal is to develop science-based solutions to health challenges all over the world.
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