Relief foundation plans to provide 200,000 jobs for the deprived

June 23, 2019 - 19:11

TEHRAN – Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation plans to create 200,000 jobs in order to facilitate income generation for the deprived, as soon as the required budget is provided, Hojjatollah Abdolmaleki, deputy director of the Foundation has said.

He went on to say that some 70,000 job opportunities will open up through entrepreneurs who started their own businesses using the Foundation’s loans.

Currently, there are about 400,000 entrepreneurs in the country, he said, adding, only if each of them employ 10 job seekers, the country’s unemployment problem will be solved.

“A total budget of 60 trillion rials (nearly $1.4 billion) is planned to be earmarked for job generation and employment opportunities which can provide some 200,000 jobs by the end of this year (March 2020),” he further noted.

Since the Iranian calendar year of 1374 (March 1995- March 1996), Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation has made great efforts to generate 1.8 million job opportunities for those financially struggling heads of the family, he highlighted.

Pointing out that the Foundation’s priority is to eliminate poverty in the society and empower families through job creation and income generation, he added that 1.4 million job opportunities have been created in 2011-2017.

“According to statistics published by the government, the Foundation accounted for one fifth of total jobs created in the country in the aforementioned period,” he noted.
Moreover, last year, the foundation created one third of the country’s total job opportunities, he said.

“We try to train individuals under the Foundation’s coverage in the fields of production, marketing and sales, in order to achieve vocational skills and become financially independent,” he added.

“Last year, we succeeded in supporting over 150,000 business plans and this year it is planned to launch 5,000 others, he concluded.


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