K= Foreign Ministry says terror attacks aim to divert attention from Palestine

Iran condemns terror attack in Egypt’s Sinia

June 7, 2019 - 20:25

TEHRAN – Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi on Thursday strongly condemned a recent terrorist attack in Egypt’s northern Sinai Peninsula, saying such acts of terror aim to divert attention from the Palestinian people’s struggle for freedom.

The attack, which occurred on Wednesday, left dead eight policemen in southwest of El-Arish, capital of North Sinai. Five militants were also killed in exchanges of fire that ensued. 

Daesh (ISIL) terror group claimed responsibility for the attack, which took place as local people celebrated the Islamic festival of Eid al-Fitr.

Moussavi condoled with the Egyptian people and government over the horrific incident, reiterating that condemnation of terrorist activities was a principal stance of the Islamic Republic, Press TV reported.

“The goal behind such acts is to preoccupy Muslim and regional countries with peripheral issues and distance them from the Muslim world’s first and principal priority, which is supporting the people of Palestine and defending the noble [city of] al-Quds,” he said.

He also highlighted the need for cooperation and solidarity among the countries of the region in their effort to confront terrorism and extremism.


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