Iran marks International Quds Day

May 31, 2019 - 19:51

TEHRAN - Iranians poured into the streets in large numbers in different cities across the country to mark International Quds Day, which falls on the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan.

People and officials showed their solidarity with Palestinians who have been under the Israeli occupation for seven decades and subjected to different kinds of violence.

This year’s demonstrations revolved around the slogan of “The International Quds Day, failure of deal of the century and stabilization of the Palestine cause”.

Under the deal of the century, U.S. President Donald Trump has proposed to limit Palestine’s land to around half of the West Bank. 

The demonstrators chanted slogans of “Death to Israel” and “death to the U.S.”

International Quds Day was initiated by the founder of the Islamic Republic Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979 to express solidarity with Palestinians and oppose the Zionist regime.

Rallies are held each year in various cities around the world by both Muslims and non-Muslim communities. Many Jewish people also attend the rallies in order to draw a line between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism.

Palestine will be a place for Muslims, Christians and Jews 

Participating in the rallies in Tehran, President Hassan Rouhani said that the plots against Palestine and the noble Quds will not bear results.

“I have no doubt that the final victory belongs to Palestine which will be a place for Muslims, Christians and Jews,” Rouhani remarked.

He added, “There is no doubt that deal of the century will turn into ‘failure of the century’, and will not yield results.”

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif also said that al-Quds cannot be sold. 

“The U.S. cannot sell Quds to Israel,” he said.

Ahead of Quds Day marches, Zarif issued a message on his Twitter page saying “Iran stands with Palestine”.

Pointing to the U.S. recognition of al-Quds as the capital of Israel, Zarif said, “Al-Quds (Jerusalem) is neither America's to give away nor Israel's to take.”

The chief diplomat also said Quds is “NOT for brutal accomplices to try to buy.”

He added, “Quds belongs to Palestine and Palestinians: history shows that whomever ignores this is condemned to ignominious failure.”

Muslims will practice “resistance of the century”

Ebrahim Raeisi, the Judiciary chief, said that the Muslims will practice “resistance of the century” in their opposition to the deal of the century.

Arab leaders who are accompanying Israel will be ‘ashamed’

First Vice President Es’haq Jahangiri said that the deal of the century will be defeated and certain Arab leaders who accompany the Zionist regime of Israel will be ashamed.

Senior White House adviser Jared Kushner is currently leading a U.S. delegation in the Middle East seeking to boost support for the Bahrain "workshop", in which Kushner is expected to unveil the first stage of U.S. President Donald Trump's deal of the century.

A number of Arab states, including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, will attend.
Failure of deal of century noticeable 

Ali Akbar Velayati, a top foreign policy adviser to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, said that the deal of the century will reach nowhere and signs of its failure can be seen.

Several Palestinian American community organizations have denounced the "workshop" in Manama as "treason".

The conference is slated to be held on June 25 and 26. The meeting is supposed to bring together business, government and civic leaders from the region in order to facilitate discussions about bringing economic investments to the occupied West Bank and Gaza.

Palestinian American business and community leaders have expressed concern that the gathering is an attempt to give "Arab cover" to the maintenance of Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories, Al-Jazeera reported.

Awareness is anti-dote to deal of the century 

Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami, who joined marches in the city of Zanjan, said, “Muslims’ awareness will defeat the deal of the century”.

He noted that the U.S. puts pressure against Iran, because it is aware that Iran is “core of awareness and resistance” and is able to bring the deal of the century to a failure.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has called the deal of the century as “the deal of shame" which will "go to Hell.

He also said that the Palestinian Authority will not accept the economic workshop in Bahrain or its results. Abbas said the workshop is nothing more than "illusions" and that the money promised to the Palestinians will never arrive.

Palestine belongs to Palestinians

Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari, the deputy army chief for coordination affairs, said, “Today’s rallies bear the message that Palestine belongs to the Palestinians and nobody can sell it.”

Rallies have confused Israel

Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alavi said that the Zionist regime of Israel is close to annihilation.

“Israel and its allies have been confused. Thanks to the resistance movement, the Palestinians’ empty hands have turned into missiles. Missiles are launched whenever Israelis dare to take any action,” he stated.

Vice President for Women’s and Family Affairs Masoumeh Ebtekar said that the Iranians have stood and will continue to stand beside the Palestinians forever.

Zionist regime doomed to annihilation 

Hossein Ta’eb, the head of the IRGC intelligence body, said that Iran’s support for the Palestinians will continue powerfully.

He said that the Muslims’ participation in Quds Day rallies indicates that Israeli is nearing its end.

Yahya Rahim Safavi, a top military adviser to the Leader, said that the Zionist regime of Israel is doomed to defeat and annihilation.

Ayatollah Kazem Seddiqi, the interim Friday prayer preacher of Tehran, said, “The Quds Day is not just a day. It is a movement. It is what prevents marginalization of the Palestine issue.”

“Quds Day is the day of Islam for us,” he added.


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