Europe's passivity against Trump government

TEHRAN - European analysts and strategists continue to worry about the continued presence of US President Donald Tramp in the White House. An American view of the behavior of trumps (towards the European Union) clearly reflects this fact. It should not be forgotten that the relationship between Washington and the European countries has been under the scumbags since the arrival of Trump at the top of the political and administrative equations of the United States!
Now, apparently, the European authorities are on the one hand worried about the outcome of the presidential elections of 2020 and the re-entry of Trump in power. However, the European authorities have shown in practice that they have no interest in resisting the actions of the President of the United States!
A long time ago, the New York Times published an important report on the views of European and American analysts on the tramp and behaviors of the American president. European allies knew to expect the unexpected from President Trump! More important, for the long term, they have begun to believe that underneath the presidential narcissism, sarcasm and bluster there is a strategy: to undercut European solidarity in NATO and the European Union to the United States can exercise its economic and military power to shape relations with individual countries, just as China and Russia seek to do.
An overview of the New York Times report on US-European relations during the presence of Trump at the White House is noteworthy. as New York Times reported, Europeans are now convinced that Mr. Trump has an agenda that is inimical to their interests, said François Heisbourg, a French political analyst. “Europeans realize that he’s not just a temperamental child, but that he wants to dismantle the multilateral order created 70 years ago that he believes limits American power.”
European leaders had already taken into account the disrupter Trump, said Tomas Valasek, the director of Carnegie Europe, a foreign policy think tank. “We’re not in the dark about him, but we’ve never dealt with this sort of political animal before,” Mr. Valasek said. “This is a new ballgame and we’re learning how to play it. We’re not necessarily more effective, but we’re getting wiser.”
Different leaders have tried different strategies with Mr. Trump, from the “buddy-buddy” approach of President Emmanuel Macron of France and Ms. May to the cooler attitude of Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany. “But we found that none of this matters,” Mr. Valasek said. “He’ll treat you like a competitor one way or another. He wants to pit countries against one another and use U.S. power and wealth against the others for his advantage.”
The frustration sometimes comes out in meetings. At the NATO meeting, for instance, Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen of Denmark told Mr. Trump that Danes had suffered as many casualties per capita as the United States had in Afghanistan, and that blood mattered more than money.
“Indirect and clear speech, I have made it clear to him that Denmark’s contribution cannot be measured in money,” Mr. Rasmussen said afterward.
“Trump is becoming politically toxic in Western Europe,” Mr. Valasek said. “No one wants to be seen smiling with him after being berated on Twitter. Even more, Mr. Trump’s insults and his unpopularity among European voters make it harder for European leaders to do what he wants them to do, like increase military spending, even when they think they should after Mr. Trump split with the Europeans on issues like climate change and the Iran nuclear deal, Mr. Valasek said, “leaders don’t want to be associated with anything he wants; it’s the kiss of death.”
They are also fearful of his populism, his support for Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union, or Brexit, and his affinity with their political adversaries, who share his nationalist, anti-immigration message.
Yet, Europe faces a dilemma with Mr. Trump, as Sigmar Gabriel, the former German foreign minister, said in an interview with Der Spiegel. “The truth is, we can’t get along with Trump and we can’t get along without the U.S.,” Mr. Gabriel said. “We, therefore, need a dual strategy: clear, hard and, above all, common European answers to Trump. Any attempt to accommodate him, any appraisal only leads him to go a step further. This must be over. From trade to NATO.”
He continued: “We cannot delude ourselves anymore. Donald Trump only knows strength. So we have to show him that we are strong.”
The fact is that the president of the United States is still a superstitious and humiliating figure for the European Union, but politicians such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron and British Prime Minister Theresa May are still passive! However, the acceptance of this The reality is bitter, but the European Union has shown in recent years that it is not an independent actor in the international system! The subject we see most of the American Tramp presidency.
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