Plan to lower high blood pressure to start nationally: minister

TEHRAN — National plan to lower high blood pressure among Iranians will go into effect on May 17 concurrent with World Hypertension Day, Health Minister Saeed Namaki has said.
In a letter to President Hassan Rouhani Health Minister asked the president to urge all responsible bodies to help in the fight against the disease, ISNA news agency reported on Wednesday?
He expressed hope that in a collective attempt, high blood pressure, one of the biggest risk factor for deaths, will be lowered among Iranians.
Every year, May 17 is dedicated to World Hypertension Day (WHD). This is an initiative of the World Hypertension League (WHL), an affiliated section of the International Society of Hypertension (ISH).
The WHD was first inaugurated in May 2005 and has become an annual event ever since. The purpose of the WHD is to promote public awareness of hypertension and to encourage citizens of all countries to prevent and control this silent killer, the modern epidemic.
The theme for World Hypertension Day is Know Your Numbers with a goal of increasing high blood pressure (BP) awareness in all populations around the world.
Worldwide, raised blood pressure is estimated to cause 7.5 million deaths, about 12.8% of the total of all deaths. World Health Organization reports that raised blood pressure is a major risk factor for coronary heart disease and ischemic as well as hemorrhagic stroke. Blood pressure levels have been shown to be positively and continuously related to the risk for stroke and coronary heart disease.
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