National document on disaster management training prepared

TEHRAN — A national document on disaster management training has been prepared for 27 provinces, deputy director of National Disaster Management Organization has said.
Some natural disasters like earthquake cannot be predicted and everybody should be prepared for them twenty-four seven, Behnam Sa’edi said, IRNA news agency reported on Wednesday.
Sa’edi further highlighted that releasing coherent and reliable statistics is also an important factor in addressing disasters.
Moreover, notifying the public about different aspects of a disaster is a must so that the public could stay calm once it happans, he concluded.
Public training programs for disaster preparedness is inseparable from disaster management and that’s why the government cannot solely manage disaster and public participation is a must.
According to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies the aim of disaster management training is to build the capacity of National Societies’ staff and volunteers, and that of International Federation delegates, to improve preparedness and response at all levels before during and after disasters and to give all components of the movement the means to work together in a coordinated manner.
The focus of disaster management training is generally on improving the technical skills of the participants, but also on personnel and team management. It aims to encourage an exchange of experience and knowledge and the creation of networks amongst the disaster managers. It also aims to improve coordination of disaster response and the quality and availability of disaster management tools.
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