ICT Ministry provides office spaces for 270 startups

TEHRAN – The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Ministry has provided office spaces for 270 startups in the cities of Tehran and Mashhad, ICT Minister Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi wrote on his Twitter account.
During past two months, the ICT Ministry provided office for 120 startups in Mashhad and 150 ones in Tehran, he said.
“May be there is no money, but creation is here. We equipped some office spaces for startups,” he wrote.
Azari Jahromi said that the Ministry is providing office spaces for entrepreneurs in other provinces.
“The youth know how to create jobs, if we don’t pick on them.”
The ICT Ministry announced in September 2018 that over 93,700 job opportunities were created in the field of smart transportation system, e-commerce and mobile applications in Iran during the previous Iranian calendar year 1396 (March 2017- March 2018).
The head of innovation department of science and technology vice presidency Hessam Zand-Hessami announced in September 2018 that there were about 4,000 startups operating in Iran which provide IT-based services to the public.
He said that the government has provided 120 trillion rials (some $2.8 billion) for around 1400 knowledge-based companies during the past five years.
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