Iranian seismology professor wins Bruce Bolt award

January 8, 2019 - 21:56

TEHRAN – The Consortium of Strong Motion Observations Systems (COSMOS), the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) and the Social Security Administration (SSA) have jointly granted Bruce Bolt Medal 2019 to Yousef Bozorgnia, an Iranian professor at the University of California.

The Bruce Bolt Medal is issued annually to an individual who promote strong-motion instrumentation and data processing, make technical contributions to the fields of seismic engineering or engineering seismology and improve seismic safety through a transfer of knowledge into practice or policy.
Bozorgnia will receive the Medal at EERI’s Annual Meeting to be held on 5-8 March in Vancouver, Canada, for his extensive contributions to earthquake ground motion models, seismic hazard analysis and structural earthquake engineering, ISNA reported on Saturday.
He received his M.A. from Sharif University of Technology, also earned his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees from University of California, Berkeley. In 2004, he co-edited a book called “From Engineering Seismology to Performance-Based Engineering”, which featured contributions from a range of experts, including Bruce Bolt.
He has been the executive and associate director at the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, a multi-university research center. 
In addition to his own extensive publication record, Bozorgnia has served as the associate editor for Earthquake Spectra and Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 
He expressed appreciation to the organizations selected him, and said that Bruce Bolt was a role model to me and it is absolutely an honor to receive such special award. 

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