413 killed in Kashmir violence this year

TEHRAN -The deadly cycle of violence and killings in Indian controlled Kashmir continues with around 413 persons, including 237 militants, 94 civilians and 81 armed forces personnel, killed this year so far.
According to official records, reported in Indian media, 176 locals have joined the militant ranks this year with highest number of youngsters, 30, joining in May and lowest, 4, in November.
The number of militants killed this year in Kashmir has touched a new high in past one decade and the armed forces claim to have targeted the militant leadership, which has controlled the local recruitment into militant ranks as well, according to a report in daily Economic Times.
Out of 237 militants, 163 were killed since June this year, when Governor rule was imposed following the break-up of BJP-PDP coalition government.
According to government records, 59 civilians were killed during protests and near encounter sites, while as 35 civilians—suspected as over ground workers of militants or informers of armed forces —were killed by unknown gunmen. The highest number of civilians — 26 were killed, the report said.
After the killing of Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani in 2016, who gave new impetus to militancy in the troubled Himalayan Valley, the government started Operation All Out to wipe out militancy from the state.
Since then, many militants have been gunned in encounters down across the valley, including some top commanders who had been evading security forces for years. Many of them were local Kashmiris with good education and career prospects.
On Sunday, three militants of Lashkar-e-Taiba were killed in an encounter near Srinagar, the summer capital of Kashmir, during which seven houses were completely destroyed.
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