Iran to sign deal to export marine medicine equipment

TEHRAN - Amir Rastegari, managing director of Iranian Defense Ministry’s Marine Industries Organization, said on Monday that Iran will soon sign agreements on building and selling marine medicine equipment with a number of countries.
“A number of countries have called for cooperating with us in building marine medicine equipment. We will start negotiation on designing, building and selling the equipment after this conference,” the rear admiral told reporters on the sidelines of the 4th ICMM Pan-Asia Pacific Congress on Military Medicine in Tehran.
“This is the fourth congress of military medicine in the sphere of the Indian Ocean and Oceania in which more than 30 countries participated. An exhibition of Defense Ministry and the armed forces capabilities was also held on the sidelines of the congress,” he stated.
The rear admiral added that Iran exhibited a number of the systems and equipment which were built domestically in spite of sanctions.
“All the equipment in the exhibition are domestically-produced which were built by the knowledge-based corporations and Marine Industries Organization,” Rastegari explained.
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