Iran, Russia discuss further telecom co-op

TEHRAN – Iranian and Russian ministers of communication discussed ways to expand cooperation in the field of telecommunication on the sidelines of 53rd Council of Heads of Communication Administrations of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications (RCC) in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, on Wednesday.
The 53rd Council of Heads of Communication Administrations of RCC and the 24th meeting of the Coordination Council of the CIS member states on informatization attached to the RCC was held on October 9 and 10 in Ashgabat.
Iran’s minister of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi and Russia’s Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Konstantin Noskov met in Ashgabat on Wednesday, Mehr reported.
There are various fields of IT and digital economy in which, the two countries can expand their cooperation, Noskov said.
Nowadays the information technology has a crucial role in different aspects of social life including agriculture, health and energy, Azari Jahromi said.
He proposed the establishment of regional market in the field of internet and communication between Iran, Russia, Turkey, Azerbaijan and India.
With the population of 1.5 billion people, the market can be based on the national currency of the region countries, he said.
Noskov welcomed Azari Jahromi’s proposal saying that it would be a hard task, which should be done by the regional countries in the future.
Two parts agreed on holding a joint session on IT cooperation in near future.
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